donderdag 1 januari 2015

Hi everyone and welcome to my very first post on Blogger, and of course welcome to my Redstone Blog. On this Blog, I post my bibs and bobs about Redstone and allot more, like: how to get started, and how to play your character and other information.

I play a Necromancer lvl 127 and  I also have a Tamer lvl 120 on the new server. They are both on seperated accounts.

On the old Redstone server, I also played a Tamer and spending real money for spheres. My old Tamer lvl is 274 with lvl 400+ succubus', and since the server transfer from OGPlanet to Game&Game, I don't play the Tamer anymore because of the hackers, so I rolled a new character, and my choice was a Necromancer, and since I played on the Necromancer, I lvld and lvld and lvld.